Shamelessly Fabulous Friday celebrating Murielle Banackissa

Hello beautiful! Welcome back to my space! Welcome to another celebration! This week I am celebrating food photographer and blogger, Murielle Banackissa! I discovered Murielle on Instagram a few years ago and was blown away by her amazing photography. Since then, I have had the pleasure of getting to know her through her Instagram feed!

Murielle Banackissa
I love this quote because every time I read it, I get this fire that rises inside of me and that makes me want to work towards accomplishing my dreams. It is one of those quotes that literally generates a physical response when I read it”

Tell me about your Instagram handle:

My Instagram handle is simply Murielle Banackissa, my name. I kept it this way because I partly use Instagram as a portfolio for potential clients and all my handles are always my name, making it pretty easy to find me – if you get the spelling right of course haha!

How long have you been vegan/plant based and why?

I have been vegan for 3 years now. What made me go vegan is simply learning more about the industrial farming, its cruelty, its impact on the environment and on the people who work in it. Once I learned about the ethical and environmental benefits of veganism through documentaries and books, I started getting educated about the health benefits of veganism, which basically reassured me that it was perfectly healthy to be on a vegan diet for a lifetime. Ever since my switch, I have not looked back. It has been one of the best decisions I have made.

What is one thing you wish you knew before going vegan/plant based?

How badly animals were treated even in Canada. Before I was vegan, I thought, animal cruelty is not as bad in Canada as it is in other places in the world and that argument, for the longest time, was one of the main ones that prevented me from even considering being vegan. When I learned that it was just as bad and when I pushed myself to actually watch documentaries like Earthlings, I could no longer ignore the sad truth. I wish I had been better educated earlier on.

Are there any foods you avoid? why?

I personally do not eat many nuts, seeds and oats, not because I don’t like them (actually it is the opposite, I loved them!!), it is only because I am intolerant to them. Thankfully, peanuts, hemp and chia are ok.

What is one food you cannot live without?

That is SO HARD! I am a foodie at heart and love food so so much, but if I had to choose, I think I would say bread. If I could include a few extra things they would be: chocolate, peanut butter, medjool dates, mangoes and kiwis.

Who inspires you?

My mom for her strength and her dedication. My boyfriend for his incredible sense of logic and his ability to detach his emotions from facts. He has made me rethink so many of my world views and I am eternally grateful for that.

What book has made the greatest impact in your life?

The Gift of Imperfection by Brene Brown. It made me realize that what I used to call my perfectionism was actually a way to hide my insecurities. When I realized that, I finally understood whatI needed to work on instead of covering it up and pretending it was not there. Also, recently I read A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and this one was also one of those life changing books.

What are some simple things that bring you joy?

Coffee every morning. Laying in the sun with my eyes closed. Rain drops on leaves. When it is so cold outside that the snow is crunchy under your boots. The unconditional love of animals. Laughing. Seeing a photo transform as I edit it. The ocean, mountains and forests. Family dinners and long conversations.The beauty of nature.

What are your favorite self care tips?

1) Try meditating a bit each day. Do not be harsh on yourself when it does not go the way you want it to. Meditation is a practice. 2) Also, exercise. Find what your favorite way to exercise is. If you do not like running, please do not force yourself to run. Try pilates, HIIT, yoga, biking, hiking, walking, zumba etc. 3) Have a day a week without technology. 4) Limit your time on social media and be mindful about who you follow. If someone does not bring you joy or make you feel good or empower you, unfollow them. 5) Once a week, I love having a pampering session. I do a hair and face mask. I take care of my feet, scrub etc. It feels so good and it is time just for me.

What is something a lot of people don’t know about you?

People in my close circle know this, but people on IG don’t: I love exercising! I actually do. 8 years ago, I would be on the other end of the spectrum, but after finding workouts that I truly enjoy and seeing my body change and get stronger, it has become a something I look forward to doing. For me, I absolutely love body weight exercises like pilates. I also recently got into weights and I love incorporating them in my routines. Plus, because I know myself well enough to know that there is no way in the middle of Canadian winter that I will go to the gym, I workout from home all year long, mostly using YouTube videos and it’s been great!

What is one song that can instantly put you in a good mood?

I would say No Games by Serani and anything by Sean Paul! I also really love early 2000s R&B music!

What are your best practices for getting through challenging times?

For me, not keeping it inside. I need to externalize my pain and hurt and my stress. Working out is a great way to do that. Also, journaling and talking with someone I trust helps a lot.

What are your words to live by, or your motto?

This is another one of my favorite quotes: As you start to walk on the way, the way appears. – Rumi. | This quote is so powerful to me especially in moments where I feel paralyzed by fear or when I feel lost. This quote has made me realize that sometimes in life, focusing on the big picture is not necessary. Often, just taking one small step is enough to get you moving and gives you enough energy to keep going.

Who do you think would fit into Shamelessly Fabulous Fridays?

I would say Valeria from @fashionfrontierblog, Sachi @thecolorfulcoach and Andreza @seasonedwithgrace 🙂 ((I would love some inspiration of women you follow that inspire you! Always looking to grow my circle of inspiring women on IG 😀 ))

Where can we find you? ( Blog, Instagram, YouTube ect)

On Instagram @Murielle Banackissa , on YouTube at Murielle Banackissa and on my blog

We had an amazing Soulversation on Instagram LIVE, check it out HERE!

I had such a great time celebrating Murielle today and I hope you did too! Thank you so much for stopping by and until next time, Stay Fabulous, xo.

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