Good morning beautiful people! Welcome back to my space! Yesterday I did something new and made asian-inspired noodles and I’ve included a pictorial! Enjoy! Breakfast: I would usually have a smoothie after my workout but while I was at the gym I could not stop…

Hello there!!! Yesterday was hella delicious! Let’s get into it! Breakfast: I would like to get back into making protein shakes/smoothies without the use of protein powder! I absolutely LOVE my Orgain protein powders, but it’s great to be able to make a protein dense…

Hey there. Still figuring out what the heck I’m doing here?? Bear with me? Breakfast: I didn’t actually have my smoothie until well after noon because I wasn’t hungry but this is what I broke my fast with. Cara Cara oranges Banana Myer lemon Orgain…

Hello there ? I’m going “willy-nilly”y’all? I’m going to start sharing what I eat in a day(here?) in the hopes of showing how easy it is to eat plant based! I’m going to go ahead and let go of the idea of perfection and just…