Hello Love and welcome back to my space! I completed day 6 of The Artist’s Way Challenge!!! Woot woot!!! This challenge has stirred up all sorts of energy that has been dormant for a while now. I suppose that’s what happens when you stop giving…

Day 4 Reflections- Hello Love! Welcome back to my space! Yesterday I completed day 4 of The Artist’s Way Challenge! I’m feeling good and stretched! I know its only been four days but I have had to continuously remind myself why I started this journey…

Good morning beautiful people ?? Yesterday I was able to make a pictorial of one of my all time favorite simple meals! You need to make these creamy chickpeas, they are AMAZING ♥️ Breakfast: Yesterday was my day off from the gym so I didn’t…

Good morning beautiful people! Welcome back to my space!!! Yesterday I started my day off with THE most delicious smoothie, you seriously NEED it in your life! Breakfast: Orgain vanilla protein powder Frozen strawberries Banana Raw cashews Spinach Method: Put all of the ingredients in…

Good morning beautiful people! Welcome back to my space! Yesterday I did something new and made asian-inspired noodles and I’ve included a pictorial! Enjoy! Breakfast: I would usually have a smoothie after my workout but while I was at the gym I could not stop…