The Artist’s Way Challenge- Set Your Intention

Hello love! Welcome back to my space! Yesterday I completed Day 72 of The Artist’s Way Challenge! I have 12 more days of these cute little love notes! Although some days have been a struggle for many reasons, I still have enjoyed sharing my little nuggets of wisdom. There are certainly some that I will come back to and dive deeper when I have the time and space!

One of the most important nuggets of wisdom has got to be, setting your daily intention! I’m not exactly sure when I started to make this a part of my daily life but I know I won’t go too long without doing it. When I was the full time care taker of my mother in law, I let my mental, spiritual and emotional health get to a place that I don’t ever want to revisit. During the last few months of her life, I wasn’t meditating regularly which led to letting go of setting my daily intention as well. If you are going through a challenging time, I KNOW first hand how easy it can be to neglect yourself but it is in those times that you need to be pouring into yourself the most. It will definitely help you get through those challenging times with much more ease and grace!

Setting a daily intention will help you stay grounded in how you want to feel and how you want to show up in the world. When you take the time to set your intention each day, it acts as a reminder on how to live out each moment. It keeps you rooted, gives you purpose and fills you with. the inspiration, motivation and energy to align your actions with your intentions! Choose a word daily and let that be your guide! Anytime you feel yourself being taken out of the space of the word that you have chosen, give yourself and gentle reminder and ground back into your intention! Alright, let’s get into these…

Meal Deets:

Post Movement Smoothie:

  • Frozen Banana
  • Frozen Mango
  • Frozen Peaches
  • Vanilla Protein Powder
  • Homemade Cashew Milk

Lunch- Big Ole Salad:

  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Roasted Mushrooms
    • Steak Seasoning
    • Sesame Oil
  • Avocado
  • Pickled Cucumbers
    • Rice Vinegar
    • Soy Sauce
    • Sesame Oil
    • Sesame Seeds
    • Red Pepper Flakes
  • Cilantro
  • Green Onions
  • Sesame Seeds

Dinner- Taco Tuesday:

  • Seasoned Rice
  • Homemade Corn Tortillas
  • Cabbage
  • Onions
  • Chipotle Sauce
  • Seasoned Pinto Beans
  • Avocado
  • Cilantro
  • Carrots
  • Tater Tots
  • Sautéed Mushrooms

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