Hello Love and welcome back to my space! Yesterday I completed my first full week of the 75 hard challenge and I’m so freakin proud of myself. I’ve been thinking about what I want out of this life and WHY. I feel like the ‘why’ behind the things we do is so important. I know that it can be so easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing so it’s important to get intentional about what YOU want out of this life!
One of the most important things you can do when you go about figuring out what you want out of this life is to focus upon the things you DO want. So many times in this life we focus on the things we don’t want and as I like to say and believe to be true “where your focus goes, your energy flows’. Let your energy flow to the things that light you up and bring you joy! Make a list of all of the things that light you up and build your life around it!
As always, I started yesterday off with a meditation then got dressed and took Roxy and Chloe for a walk. After that I went for a walk alone to clock my first 45 minute movement session of the day.
When I got home, I got the kids ready for school, made breakfast and packed lunches. After drop off, I went to my favorite grocery store here in Chattanooga, The Fresh Market. It’s a whole vibe. I got lost in there for a bit and then went to Home Goods to look for a specific piece of furniture, don’t do this, they won’t have it, lol.
When I got home I cleaned up the mess I made while getting the kids ready for school and made a snack for my husband. Trying to recall what I did with all of my time is interesting, lol. I showered and went to pick the kids up!
When we got home I made my lunch while prepping dinner. I ate my lunch while making dinner, some days are like that. My family ate dinner as I finished up my lunch bowl and then we took off for a walk. We don’t usually get more than 20 minutes in when we walk but the kids were having too much fun collecting rocks and meeting nieghbors that we eneded up walking for 50 minutes. So I clocked my second 45 minute movement session of the day.
When we got home, I ate dinner and read Racism As Zoological Witchcraft by Aph Ko while the family had alone time. After cleaning the kitchen, we went upstairs and talked for a bit before the kids went to bed. My kids LOVE answering and asking questions from Table Talk Boxes! It’s so fun to see how thier little brains work!
After they went to bed, I went downstairs for a short yoga session(because i’m a yoga girlie now, lol) then went upstairs to read a bit more and had a journal session. Then it was time for lights out. Although I started out a little shaky, it was a great day to end the first week of the 75 hard challenge.
- Cashews, always cashews lol
Breakfast Smoothie:
- Frozen Mango
- Frozen Banana
- Frozen Pineapple
- Frozen Grapes
- Ginger Water
- Cashew Milk
- Vanilla Protein Powder
- Frozen Strawberries
- Apple
- Banana
- Kombucha
Big Ole Lunch Bowl
- Mixed Greens Massaged with lemon juice and garlic olive oil
- Tofu
- Hummus
- Trader Joe’s Cashew Kale Pesto
- Tomatoes
- Cucumber
- Grapes
- Cashews
- Basmati Rice
- Beans(sunshine seasoning, coconut milk, agave)
- Zucchini(salt, pepper, Garlic powder)
It was a great day of eating! As always, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns, lemme know! I’d love to know how I can be helpful! Thanks for reading!