Hello love! Welcome back to another celebration! If you’re new here, Friday is the day that I take the time to share and celebrate someone that uplifts me, inspires me and adds a little sunshine to my day! Today I am celebrating Andreza of Seasoned with Grace Blog.
I have been following Andreza’s journey for a while now. When I first came across her page, I loved how her photography is beautiful and consistent! When I took the time to read the captions, I was touched by the heartwarming message that Andreza delivered. From encouraging words about healthy habits to lessons in motherhood her space truly is, Seasoned With Grace.
I had the pleasure of having a wonderful Soulversation with Andreza, here what she had to share:
Can you tell me what inspired your Instagram handle?
When I first started thinking about a space where I could share what was inside of me, to inspire people to make good choices, Seasoned With Grace, the name was my husband’s idea. He knew my passion for health & wellness, and I wanted a name that didn’t just focus on food though. After throwing out some ideas, his one stuck. He added “you live a life where you extend grace to people and you want people to extend grace to themselves, with food and life in general.
Can you share your vegan journey with us?
I’ve been vegan for about 3 years now. I started my plant-based journey because I was learning more about what is happening in the food industry and how the things, I thought were healthy weren’t actually healthy. I learned about the connection between the foods that we eat and the diseases that so many people are dying from and how we could actually do something about it. I started focusing especially on the foods that we give our kids and was frustrated and appalled. Once I had my daughter, I was given the push to slowly transition from eating meat to being plant based. I want to give her the foundation to make healthy decisions and for her to learn about the foods that nourish her body.
How was it transitioning your family to a plant based lifestyle?
Its been pretty easy! My husband is go with the flow, he’s not vegan but he eats what we eat at home. In the last 3 to 4 years of me transitioning, I’ve seen a big difference in him where he wont automatically go to the meat option. My kids are young so its all they know!
When did you make the transition from plant based to vegan?
I don’t even know if I’m 100 percent, I say vegan because when you say the word vegan, people understand. When you say plant based, you don’t want to sit there and explain what’s in a dish. I use them interchangeably because I’m still on that journey of what it means to be vegan.
Yes, I don’t eat animal products, yes, I don’t but products that have been tested on animals. As I’ve been learning more, I learned that for some people it means not going to the zoo and aquariums. I don’t think that animals should be abused and I don’t think that animals should be killed so we can eat them.
What is a way to help people add more plants to their diet?
One of the ways I do this, being the only vegan in most of my friend circles, whenever I’m at a potluck, I typically bring something. I bring something appetizing and often times look like something a non vegan would eat like spinach artichoke dip to a super bowl party or Cauliflower wings. Nowadays there are so many alternatives, I love showing people the accessibility and that you don’t have to go without some of your favorite things.
What is one thing you wish you knew before going vegan/plant based?
I wish I’d known how the food industry works and how much power I have as a consumer. It’s crazy to think of all the things that change in the last 5 years because more and more people are realizing they can have control of their food.
Are there any foods you avoid? Why?
Not really! I enjoy pretty much any food. I do dislike beets though. I’ve tried it in many different ways and just do not like it.
What is one food you cannot live without?
This is a hard question to answer because I LOVE food! Lol
Sourdough bread would be one I couldn’t live without. If I could add a few extra though… almond butter, mangoes, avocado.
What does wellness mean to you?
Wellness to me means doing the best you can and making choices that lead and push you into a life that is thriving. I think about my kids when I think about wellness because I know that I can’t control everything but if I take care of myself they are going to see that and that is something that will get passed down to my grand kids. I think about how I want to be around for my grand kids and even my great grand kids. When I’m a grandma, I want to be able to run with my grand kids. I want to be somebody who is present and engaging.
I want to create and pass on habits that are life giving.
What is keeping you grounded right now?
I’ve been spending a lot more time taking care of myself. I’ll do a face a face mask and sit and do nothing or whatever I want. And prayer and journaling has helped a lot too. Community is important as well!
Who inspires you?
My husband. His positive outlook on life, his strong faith, and the way he makes almost anyone feel comfortable. He’s such a great conversationalist. He strives to know a little about many things so he can have conversations with many people.
What book has made the greatest impact in your life?
Cooked by Michael Pollan. Through the four elements, fire, water, earth, air, he walks us through the transformations that change basic ingredients into delicious things we consume daily. I love his passion for good food. I also appreciate that he makes himself a student to learn all the things he talks about in his book.
What are some simple things that bring you joy?
Dance parties with my family, strolls with family, meals with my family, seeing my kids smile after eating something yummy. A table full of delicious food and being surrounded by some of my favorite people. Crunchy Fall leaves. Seeing people that are opening up to having good conversations. When people can have conflict and still be respectful, that brings me joy!
What are your favorite self-care tips?
I want to get better at this, but once a week I’ve started doing a face mask and drinking tea and just letting my thoughts wander.
What is something a lot of people don’t know about you?
I think many people who know me personally know this, but my IG friends might now know this. I speak 3 languages. Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
What is one song that can instantly put you in a good mood?
Hurts Like Heaven by Coldplay. I love pretty much anything Coldplay. I’m also listening to a lot of Soundtracks, Moana, Frozen, Despicable Me. Also Andy Mineo ,LaCrae because my son likes Christian Hip Hop.
What are your best practices for getting through challenging times?
Spending time with Jesus. Journaling and putting all my thoughts on paper. Talking to some of my closest people and sharing my heart. Connecting with people! Having people that are for you and for your growth that are going to tell about yourself.
What are your words to live by, or your motto?
Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.
— Martin Luther King, Jr
I’ve been so nervous to move forward on dreams that I’ve had for the longest time. This year I’ve felt as though God has breathed a type of confidence in me that I don’t think I’ve ever had. Given me the boldness to move forward on things and just watched him make things happen as I’ve trusted Him.
What are you grateful for?
I’m grateful that I get to work from home and be with my kids. I’m grateful that we get to go on walks and I’m grateful that I am healthy. I grateful that I have the strength to put a present and engaging mom. Its something that I dreamed of and to be living it is really fun!
What gives you hope for the future?
It’s hard to pin point one thing but seeing young people who are wise, young people who are asking questions, young people that are trying to solve problems from hundreds of years ago. They are all fighting for different things but they are all fighting for humanity to be better.
Who do you think would fit into Shamelessly Fabulous Fridays?
@zipporahthevegan @ kindred.vegan.souls
Where can we find you? ( Blog, Instagram, YouTube ect)
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/seasonedwithgrace.blog/
Blog: Seasoned With Grace Blog Andreza’s: YouTube Channel
I had so much fun celebrating and sharing Andreza of Seasoned With Grace blog, today! Definitely check her out! Until next time, stay fabulous!