The Artist’s Way Challenge-Life Is A Special Occasion

Day 30 Reflections:

Hello Love and welcome back to my space! 30 Days down of The Artist’s Way Challenge!! As I have been sharing, I feel the urge to throw in the towel. These feelings of resistance are coming from my desire too go back to my comfort zone, the feeling of thinking I could be doing something ‘more productive’ with my time and the discomfort I feel for taking up so much space. Let’s break these down point by point because I have a little time and a little clarity.

  • Desire to go back to my comfort zone- I keep thinking, ‘it wasn’t that bad’. You know what, maybe it wasn’t ‘that bad’ but I know that I have more to give than staying stuck in my comfort zone. I owe it to myself to see this through.
  • I could be doing something ‘more productive’ with my time- This point is hilarious because I know for a fact that I would not be doing something more productive. I would slip right back into my comfort zone of chillen. This is a productive use of my time even if I cannot see the full picture.
  • The discomfort of taking up so much space- Taking up to much space has been so uncomfortable. Showing up every day, even though I’m giving the best that I got, feels so uncomfortable. Some day’s when I hit that share ‘publish’ button, my whole body cringes. Working through these feelings has been, you guessed it, uncomfortable, lol. But we got this and we can do hard things!!!

So yeah, that’s where I’m at. Working through all of these things while feeling a few percent more creative, lol. We keep on keeping on! To the prompt! I was listening to Emily King’s Special Occasion and it sparked the prompt. I know that so often we allow the daily grind to take us away from the beauty of life and the fact that being alive is a special occasion.. So often we wait to wear things or really just experience the fullness of life because we are waiting for some external thing to happen in order to celebrate life. The beauty of this life can be found in savoring that last bite of a delicious meal, in putting on that cute outfit just because, in the smile of a loved one, the laughter of a loved one, in seeing birds frolic through the trees, sharing tender moments with loved ones. If we are present in our lives, we will notice and recognize that being alive is the most special of occasions and all we need to do is slow down and savor this one precious life. Let’s do it! There are a few meditations that I recommend for tapping into the beauty of this one precious life:

All by the lovely Sarah Blondin found on Insight Timer! Alright let’s get into these….

Meal Deets:

Post Movement Smoothie:

  • Frozen Banana
  • Frozen Blueberries
  • Vanilla Protein Powder
  • Homemade Cashew Milk
  • Flaxseed
  • Spinach

Lunch- Yogurt Bowl

  • Icelandic Provisions Oat Milk Yogurt
  • Mango
  • Pumpkin Flax Granola
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Unsweetened Shredded Coconut
  • Agave

Dinner- Taco Tuesday

  • Homemade Corn Tortillas
  • Avocado
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Red Onions
  • Cilantro
  • Seasoned Pinto Beans
  • Seasoned Rice
  • Plant Based Steak
  • Tater Tots
  • Taco Seasoned Tofu
  • Homemade Salsa


  • Roasted Japanese Sweet Potato
  • Pistachios

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