The Artist’s Way Challenge- Practice Makes…

Hello Love and welcome back to my to my space!!! Yesterday I completed the final day of The Artist’s Way Challenge! Ahhhhhhh, I’m so excited and proud to have made it through! I had a last hoorah of sorts with my final Artists Dates being spent at The Mercantile and McKay’s, two places I had gone for prior Artists Dates. I can spend hours looking at preloved items, thinking of the way they fit into someones life. I wondered into McKays with a time in mind, as I had to pick p my son and ended up spending my time talking to a new friend, it was like it was meant to be! I will continue to take myself on these Artists Dates because I know how important they are for my creative recovery!

The prompt ‘practice makes…’ is my final prompt because practice makes all sorts of things! Practicing deep self care for the past 12 weeks has made me understand, deeply, how important it is to consistently take care of yourself. Practicing showing up every single day, no matter what, has made me more confident about my ability to show up for myself, no matter how I am feeling( not feeling physically, but emotionally and sometimes mentally). Practicing editing videos every single day has made me realize where I want to slow down and pay more attention. Practicing showing up imperfectly has shown me that nothing really happened with that feeling of discomfort and you can just keep it moving, the world didn’t end, lol. This lil reminder is for those who have ideas that are stuck in your head because you think that there will be some perfect time to execute them, just do it imperfectly and get good on the way, or don’t, lol, just freakin do it. Alright, let’s get into these…

Meal Deets:

Post Movement Smoothie:

  • Frozen Banana
  • Frozen Cherries
  • Vanilla Protein Powder
  • Homemade Cashew Milk
  • Almond Butter

Lunch- A Store Bought Sushi Situation

  • Veggie Rolls
  • Veggie Spring Rolls
  • Seaweed Salad

Dinner- It’s Taco Tuesday:

  • Seasoned Rice
  • Corn Tortillas
  • Taco Seasoned Tofu
  • Cabbage
  • Red Onions
  • Chipotle Sauce
  • Seasoned Pinto Beans
  • Avocado
  • Cilantro
  • Carrots
  • Cheezy Garlic Cashew Cream


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