Hello Love and welcome back to my space!!! Yesterday I completed Day 48 of The Artist’s Way Challenge! My family and I enjoyed a lovely afternoon downtown Chatty. We went to lunch at Cashew, a cute little plant based restaurant and then walked the Walnut Street Bridge. By the time we were done, I was good and tired so we came home chilled, watched movies and ate leftovers for dinner. It was a great day!
I was thinking about when I first went vegan and how I would not stop talking about being vegan, lol. I could not have imagined that almost 8 years later, it would be something that is so natural, it kind of just became the norm for us and faded in the backdrop of life. Although one of the biggest changes I made when becoming vegan was switching to a plant based diet, being vegan is so much more than how I eat. I like to say that my heart changed. My whole outlook on life and the way we treat all non human animals changed. I started to see non human animals as full beings, not just something that humans use and turn into products. When that shift happened, I no longer see them as products, which is why even wearing second hand animal skins creeps me out.
I understand that a lot of people switch to a plant based diet for health and that is wonderful! Sometimes they will even look into the ethics of why people go vegan and then end up going vegan as well. Also, wonderful! At the end of the day, I went vegan because I wanted to live in alignment with my core values of love, respect, compassion, empathy and justice. I knew that eating the bodies of animals, wearing their skins, being entertained by enslaved animals and using products that are tested on them was not in alignment with who I am and who I want to be! Alright, let’s get into these…
Meal Deets:
Post Movement Smoothie:

- Frozen Banana
- Frozen Mango
- Frozen Pineapple
- Frozen Strawberries
- Vanilla Protein Powder
- Homemade Cashew Milk
- Flaxseed
Lunch At Cashew Down Town Chatty:

- Loaded Thai Sweet Potato
- Chickpea Tomato Soup
- Carrot Cake Cupcake
- Lavender Kombucha

- Day 45 Leftover Pasta
- Roasted Broccoli
- Peanuts
- Baguette
- Plant Based Chocolate Hazelnut Ice Cream
- Honey Dew
- Tortilla Chips
- Dirty Chai With Oat Milk