Day 7 Reflections/ Weekly Check In Hello Love and welcome back to my space! One week down, 11 more to go!!! Yikes, 11, lol. 11 wonderful weeks of self discovery. I’m not going to sit here and pretend this has been easy. It hasn’t been…

Day 5 Reflections Hello Love and welcome back to my space! Yesterday I completed day 5 of The Artist’s Way Challenge! Woot Woot! As I shared on my instagram yesterday, if I hadn’t declared publicly that I was doing this challenge, I would have already…

Hello Love! Welcome back to my space! Another day down on the 75 hard challenge!!!! Let’s get into: Day 74 Eats: Snack: Cashews Smoothie: Frozen Banana Frozen Pineapple Frozen Mango Vanilla Protein Powder Flaxseed Homemade Cashew Milk Nutmeg Lunch- Granola Bowl Oui Coconut Yogurt Safe…

Hello Love! Welcome back to my space! We are down to the last few days of this challenge! Let’s get into: Day 73 Eats: Snack: Cashews Smoothies: Frozen Pineapple Frozen Watermelon Frozen Banana Frozen Grapes Flaxseed Ginger Vanilla Protein Powder Homemade Cashew Milk Dinner- Cooking With…

Hello Love!!! Welcome back to my space! Another day down of the 75 hard challenge!!! Let’s get into: Day 72 Eats: Smoothie: Frozen Pear Frozen Pineapple Frozen Blueberry Frozen Watermelon Coconut Water Flaxseed Snack: Cashews Smoked BBQ Love Corn Dinner- Cooking With Constance, Good A** Soup,…

Hello Love! Welcome back to my space! Let’s get into: Day 70 Eats: Snack: Pistacios Cashews Kind Ice Cream Bar Smoothie: Frozen Banana Frozen Mango Frozen Strawberries Frozen Raspberries Vanilla Protein Powder Flaxseed Homemade Cashew Milk Lunch- Big Ole Plate Of Goodness Good And Gather…

Hello Love! Welcome back to my space! We are getting to the end of this challenge! I am so EXCITED! Let’s get into: Day 68 Eats: Smoothie: Frozen Banana Frozen Strawberries Frozen Pineapple Frozen Mango Flaxseed Vanilla Protein Powder Homemade Cashew Milk Lunch- Salad: Corn…