Hello Love and welcome back to my space! Yesterday I completed Day 39 of The Artist’s Way Challenge, I am still in a transitionary space where I feel like I am being changed and cannot quite articulate what that change is. As I was writing yesterday I had the epiphany about missing my comforts and the emotional exhaustion that stems from being uncomfortable and I just gotta say, that was a whole weight lifted off of me. Knowing the cause of the exhaustion makes it so much lighter.
One of the themes that keeps coming up in my reading and in my life is the mantra: Be here now. Everything is coming back to focusing on this present moment. The more I focus on the mantra and actually embodying it, the more grounded and connected I feel. There is so much in this world that can distract you from being present in your life, I wanted to give you this gentle reminder and mantra to tap back into the present moment: Be here now. Alright, let’s get into these…
Meal Deets:
Post Movement Smoothie:
- Frozen Banana
- Frozen Mango
- Frozen Pineapple
- Frozen Strawberries
- Frozen Peaches
- Homemade Cashew Milk
- Vanilla Protein Powder
- Flaxseed
- Spinach
Lunch- It’s A Wrap Situation

- Flour Tortilla
- Wood Fried Garlic Seasoned Soy Free Tofu
- Sautéed Garlic Kale
- Sautéed Garlic Mushrooms
- Quinoa
- Cheezy Garlic Cashew Cream
- Sun Dried Tomatoes
Dinner- Big Ole Plate Of Goodness

- Salad
- Spinach
- Cilantro
- Dried Blueberries
- Strawberries
- Almonds
- Hemp Seeds
- Dressing
- Lime Juice
- Agave
- Salt
- Olive Oil
- Seasoned Pinto Beans
- Quinoa
- Pistachios
- Potato Chips
- Just The Fun Part Dark Chocolate Filled Waffle Cones
- Strawberry Oat Bar