Hello there and welcome back to my space ? Yesterday was an amazing day! I spent the morning working on my outfits for the variety show I will be performing in on Saturday! I will share all of the work I did after the show! I also went to and prepared the meal for this months supper club! It was amazing!

Circling back around to creamy smoothies, I tried this orange Cream smoothie yesterday! It was so delicious!
Orange Cream Smoothie
- Cara Cara Orange
- Navel orange
- 1 banana
- Orgain vanilla protein powder
- Raw cashews
Put all ingredients into your blender along with enough water to reach desired consistency. Blend until smooth, taste to adjust flavors. Enjoy!
I was so busy that I snacked right through lunch!
- Cashews
- Nugo protein bar x2

I prepared Creamy Chickpeas for supper club and it was very well received! I love making this meal because it’s so simple to make and they flavor pay off is off the hook! If I were to make a cookbook this recipe with definitely be included!

I made this delicious deconstructed candy apple for dinner last night and everyone loved it! The reason I’m not calling it a fruit salad in this case is because there’s no other fruit. Definitely try this combination of flavors!
Deconstructed Candy Apple
- Chopped apples
- Vegan Caramel Sauce
- Chocolate Sauce (agave+cacao powder)
- Almonds
Thanks so much for stopping by! I’ll see you tomorrow!