75 Hard Challenge- Day 4- Find Your Way Back

Hello Love and welcome back to my space. Yesterday marked day four of the 75 hard challenge! Woot Woot! I’m feeling challenged AF but in a really good way! I didn’t intend to do a blog post every day of this challenge but I’m loving the idea of creating, writing and pouring my love in to this space that I created, this space that is all mine.

When I first launched this blog, I had lofty goals. I was gonna change the world! When I launched this blog, I was a few weeks away from finding out that I was pregnant with my very surprising and third birth baby(I use this term because I have to bonus children from my husbands previous marriage). The pregnancy knocked the wind out of me. I had literally zero energy to pour into this space. I had no idea that 7 months later, my family and I would go through the most devastating loss.

After I lost my baby girl, I lost myself in too many bottles of wine and self pity. At some point I got tired of feeling like crap and dragged myself back to the gym and poured all of the love I was supposed to be pouring into my baby girl, back into myself.

I share all of this to say, it’s ok to take a break from the things that you’re passionate about to pull yourself back together. It’s also ok for things to look different when you get back to doing the things you’re passionate about! Give yourself the space to discover what lights you up and to let go of the things that are no longer serving you!

Yesterday was another rainy day, after I walked the girls, I went for a run, came home and snacked on a nut mix. While I enjoyed my morning smoothie, I read a bit from Earth is Hiring by Peta Kelly After finishing my smoothie, we saw there was a break in the rain so we went for a walk on the river.

After we left the park, we went to my favorite grocery store in Chattanooga, The Fresh Market! Its THE cutest little grocery store! One of the things I am absolutely loving about Chattanooga is the selection and proximity to several amazing grocery stores! I definitely want to share all of them in video form at some point! When we came home, everyone went their seperate ways and used that time for a bit of journaling! I made a big ass salad and read while I finished it. It literally took 45 minutes to finish, lol. After dinner, I wanted something sweet so I had an apple, peanut butter and dried bluberries, it’s giving peanut butter and jelly vibes for sure!


  • Mixed Nuts With Chocolate Chunks

Breakfast Smoothie:

  • Frozen Bananas
  • Frozen Watermelon
  • Frozen Peaches
  • Vanilla Protein Powder
  • Cashew Milk
  • Flaxseed


  • Cashews

Lunch/Dinner Salad:

  • Mixed green massaged with lime juice nutritional yeast, salt, pepper, garlic olive oil
  • Seasoned Black Beans (taco seasoning)
  • Bell Peppers
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Cheezy Garlic Cashew Cream
  • Avocado


  • Apples
  • Peanut Butter
  • Dried Bluberries

It doesn’t look like I ate much yesterday but that salad was HUGE! I definitely want to explore more whole foods past salads but the convenience keeps calling me back, lol. As always, any questions, comments, suggestions, concerns are more than welcomed! Here’s to day 5! Thanks for reading!

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